Monday, August 3, 2009

Apparently, Talk is Cheap

This story on CNN today freaked me out:

What it says is that the 2nd in command of Al Qaeda doesn't care (or at least won't publicly admit he cares) about the overtures Obama has made towards a resolution of international conflict.

"Obama can come with all the eloquent words he has, but it is nothing but illusions."

I have no clue how to respond to this article. I don't know what specifically brought upon these words towards Obama, but for him to classify Obama as an illusionist seems insane to me. What can you do when you've made attempts to verbally resolve a conflict and the other side won't even engage in a friendly discussion or believe what you say? I guess I would try to get his number and just keep calling him and point out actions I was taking to show that my words were legitimate.

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