Monday, June 22, 2009


There are times when the fragility of life becomes incredibly vivid for me. Reading about the D.C. metro crash today led to one of those moments. It disheartens and frightens me that something so terrible and unexpected could have happened to the unfortunate people who were on those trains. Why did this have to happen to these people? I can’t imagine the anguish that those who lost loved ones are feeling. It makes me feel fortunate to be living, but petrified that my life could end in a split second. It makes me question why I don’t value my life more. It makes me hope that I will continue to be able to live. It makes me feel awful for all of those who were affected by this incident today. It makes me depressed. It makes me wonder how I can simply overlook the pain and suffering that countless numbers of people experience every day and go on with my life as if I am invincible. It makes me question what I should be spending my time doing. It makes me feel selfish that I am thinking about my life right now, when the level of suffering I have experienced is nowhere near what other people have, and when my life is worth just as much as any other person.

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